Living Out Loud Podcast is Back!

Hey there, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Living Out Loud with Valerie Alvarez, where we harmonize high achievers with everyday wellness. I'm your host, Valerie, a health coach, wellness blogger, and content creator. And let me tell you—I am so thrilled you’re tuning in today!

We've got an incredible lineup of guests and topics designed just for you. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder, building your own empire, or just striving to live a more balanced and mindful life, we're here to help you hit those high notes, all while maintaining your inner harmony.

Every week, I sit down with some of the most inspiring experts and influencers in the health and wellness industry. We dive into a whole range of subjects—from millennial entrepreneurship and how to be a "boss" in both life and work, to wellness hacks that'll make your life just that much better. And let's not forget the everyday wellness talk, because let's face it, achieving balance is a daily endeavor!

The best part? It's all designed to feel like you're hanging out with friends. You know, that laid-back, light-hearted vibe that makes even the toughest topics easy to digest. And hey, we may even share a laugh or two because life's too short not to live out loud!

So go ahead, grab your favorite beverage—whether that's a green smoothie or a cup of herbal tea—and let’s get this conversation started! Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a vibrant, balanced life. You’re not going to want to miss what we’ve got lined up for you!

Stay tuned and live out loud!

Valerie Alvarez

Valerie Alvarez is the creator and voice behind WellnessBum.  Through her blog and social media influence, she shares bits and bites of food, clean beauty, mindfulness, sustainable living, and travel that are part of her everyday life. Although Valerie often dreams of faraway places, frolicking through cobblestone streets, she is thrilled to call beautiful San Francisco home.

Ep. 15 Journey to Self-Love: Reflecting on Personal Growth, Understanding Self-Worth, and Fostering a Positive Self-Image


Episode 13: Finding Passion, Purpose and Taking Risks - Samba To The Sea Founder Kristen Brown